





Fluency and Memory Training for foreign speakers of english

/ˈfluːənsɪənˈmemərɪˈtreɪnɪŋfəˈfɒrɪnˈspiːkəz əvˈɪŋglɪʃ/
AggA AssA ByoD MaDaD ShaprA RML Byod4sK





Build Your own Dialogue for Smart Kids







Autonomous Self-Study Activities

Autonomous Self-Study Activities (or actionables!!!)
Simply dive in anywhere,
anytime, and go for the potpourri of exercises....
Or start from the easiest







Shadowing man woman


Shadowing man woman










Build Your Own Dialogue

Build Your Own Dialogue





Build your own convo #2


medium difficulty


Build your own convo type #3stare


Quite difficult



Build your own soliloquy

Build your own soliloquy

A little more difficult









Dialogue Building for boys and girls


Helps kids learning English:

Develop confidence

Overcome shyness

Become more creative

and much, much more

Boy: Who's a naughty dog, then?
Dog: If you're not careful Billy, I'll bite your finger.






Huấn Luyện Sự Lưu Loát và Trí Nhớ

(Consonant clusters in the middle of words ie 'children Tuesday', st'', 'pl' etc)


"Excuse me, why are you wearing a basket on your head?"

Click on the image to practise
one of the top 5 English expressions.
Also one of the most difficult words for late learners of English




Consonant clusters
at the ends of words

(In words: the 'ikj', '-ks', 'ns' sound etc)





Whose sunglasses are these?

Practise the final -s in words where the sound can be 's' or'z')



I can't stand travelling by plane!

(Consonant clusters at word beginnings ie 'st', 'tr', 'pl' etc)




Stress, speed, intonation and timing practice in sentences!
Practice in Feeling the Language





Aesop's Fables

(Stress and rising and falling intonation when telling a story)

(Go here for more practice)









some IPA charts

Find some specific exercises here



Memorizing sounds

Part#1 vowels
Part#2 consonants


Eliminating problems you have distinguishing between sounds

Part#1 vowels
/ɪ/ and /i:/ sounds
/æ/ and /ʌ/ sounds
/aɪ/ and /ʌ/ sounds
/ʊ/ and /uː/ sounds
/ɝ/ and /ɔː/ sounds
/eɪ/ and /e/ sounds
/oʊ/ and /ɔː/ sounds
/ə/ or /ɚ/ sounds
See also
Mất nguyên âm
Drill #1: Disappearing vowels




Part#2 consonants
/ð/ and /d/ and /z/ sounds
/t/ /tr/ /dʒ/ with /tʃ/ sounds
/ʃ/ and /s/ sounds
/s/ /z/ and /ʃ/ and /dʒ/ sounds
/r/ and /z/ sounds
/l/ and /n/ sounds
/θ/ and /t/ or /s/ sounds
/j/ and /z/ sounds
/ŋ/ and /ŋk/ sounds
/dʒ/ and /j/ sounds

(English NOT Englich)

Mất phụ âm (mất 'h')
Disappearing consonants
(dropping the 'h')



See also
Liên kết phụ âm và
nguyên âm
Consonant and Vowel Linking


Disappearing consonants
Listen here (Mod 01)
Notice how the "d" in "and" disappears making it sound like "ân" and making "and I" sound like "ânai".

Two consonant (t and d becoming one) Mod 01

vowel and consonant linking MOD01

adding a consonant between two vowels 



and particular attention also to helping you sort out problems with

Omission of final consonants #1
Omission of final consonants #2
Omission of Medial sounds
Consonants clusters

Voiced-Voiceless distinction
Liên kết phụ âm và
nguyên âm
Consonant and Vowel Linking









Basic sounds and spelling pronunciation quiz

quiz #1:



























Matching stress pattern (Mod03)

If I had a BALL, I'd throw it down the HALL.

Contrastive Stress in Sentences

Exercise #1

Sentence Matching


Panda Emergency

Penguins go shopping


Pam didn't clean the house on Tuesday

(stress matching)

This is the introduction. Full exercise is





























Consonants clusters

middle of words

beginning of words

ends of words




Consonants clusters #1

(middle of words)

Exercise 1@
Exercise 2@
Exercise 3@Q&A
Exercise 4










Consonants clusters #2

(beginnings of words)

Exercise 1@LEARN
Exercise 2@J&E
Exercise 3@Q&A
Exercise 4





Consonants clusters #3

(ends of words)

Exercise 1@LEARN
Exercise 2@J&E
Exercise 3@Q&A
Exercise 4



/s/ and /ʃ/ and /dʒ/ sounds

/s/ /z/ /tʃ/and /ʃ/ and /dʒ/ sounds

(words and sentences)

final /s/ and /z/ sounds (at the ends of words)
/tʃ/ and /z/ sounds
Exercise 3@Q&A
Exercise 4




/tr/ /ʃ/ and /tʃ/ sounds

/tʃ/ and /tr/ sounds #1
/tʃ/ and /tr/ sounds #2 English fish
Exercise 4



/s/ /z/ /tʃ/and /ʃ/ and /dʒ/ sounds

(Sounds at beginnings of words/sentences)

final /s/ and /z/ sounds
/tʃ/ and /z/ sounds
Exercise 3@Q&A
Exercise 4 final


/s/ /z/ /tʃ/and /ʃ/ and /dʒ/ sounds

(Final sounds of words & sentences)

final /t/, /d/ and /id/ sounds
/tʃ/ and /z/ sounds










Memorizing basic sounds




















final 's'sounds / shadowing/ Excuse me / byod503 (Talking about your job)




Fluency and Memory Training

The Pool Tournament

I Left my Heart in San Fransisco







Master one of the most difficult
expressions in English
while you memorize an easy dialogue







fluency and memory practiceTalking about your job




Build your own dialogues TYPE #1
Build your own dialogues TYPE #2













The 3 final sounds of regular verbs in the past tense. ()

Present continuous (with what) .....
Present continuous (with Why)
I cant sit there....contrastive stress....
Simple present...(What do you do to.....)










Practising the 3 final sounds of regular verbs in the past tense. ()

part 1



part 2



part 3




What are you doing? (And why...?)

bilingual Japanese and English flag







What are you doing? (And why...?)

Exercise #1 Why are you doing that?




Pronunciation #11: Contrastive Stress
in common sentence patterns

Please visit the following two
pages for quizzes to test yourself.

exam quiz icon#1 (a little easy)

#2 (a little difficult)





I can't sit there, it's impossible


What ARE you talking about? (Bạn đang nói gì?)





Simple present...(What do you do to.....)

What do you do to stay in shape?




Check your comprehension.

Click on image to do the Quiz.












fun stuff

I can speak English

MANUEL: You see, I speak English well, I learned it from a book.
Hello. I am English. Hello....... How are you, Sir?
MANUEL: I can speak English. Ah hello, Major. How are you today?
MAJOR: Er. . . er. . . er I I I I I’m fine, thank you.
MANUEL’S VOICE: Is a beautiful day today.
MAJOR: Is it? Yes, yes, I suppose it is…..
MANUEL’S VOICE: I can speak English. I learned it from a book.
MAJOR: Did you? Did you really?



(Consonant clusters in the middle of words ie 'children Tuesday', st'', 'pl' etc)
(English NOT Englich)
(In words: the 'ikj', '-ks', 'ns' sound etc)
(stress matching)
/dʒ/ and /j/ sounds
/j/ and /z/ sounds
/ŋ/ and /ŋk/ sounds
/θ/ and /t/ or /s/ sounds
Adding a consonant between two vowels
Aesop's Fables(Stress and rising and falling intonation when telling a story)(Go here for more practice)
Also one of the most difficult for late learners of English
and particular attention also to helping you sort out problems with
Basic sounds and spelling pronunciation quiz
Build your own Dialogue TYPE #1easy
Build your own dialogue TYPE #2medium difficulty
Build your own dialogue TYPE #2Quite difficult
Build your own soliloquy#1 A little more difficult
Click on the image to practise one of the top 5 English expressions.
Consonant and Vowel Linking
Consonant and Vowel Linking
Consonant clusters at the ends of words
Consonant clusters at word beginnings ie 'st', 'tr', 'pl' etc)
Consonants clusters
Contrastive Stress in Sentences
Disappearing consonants
Disappearing consonants(dropping the 'h')
Drill #1: Disappearing vowels
Eliminating problems you have distinguishing between sounds
Excuse me, why are you wearing a basket on your head?
Exercise #1 US
Huấn Luyện Sự Lưu Loát và Trí Nhớ
I can't stand travelling by plane!
ie listening and repeating
If I had a BALL, I'd throw it down the HALL.
Liên kết phụ âm và
Liên kết phụ âm và
Listen here (Mod 01)
Listen to Answer and give the Question
Listen to Q and supply the A
Matching stress pattern (Mod03)
Memorizing sounds Part#1 vowels
Memorizing sounds Part#2 consonants
nguyên âm
nguyên âm
Notice how the "d" in "and" disappears making it sound like "ân" and making "and I" sound like "ânai".
Omission of final consonants #1
Omission of final consonants #2
Omission of Medial sounds
Online shadowing
Pam didn't clean the house on Tuesday
Panda Emergency
Part#1 vowels
Part#2 consonants
Penguins go shopping
Penguins go shopping
Practice in Feeling the Language
Practise the final -s in words where the sound can be 's' or'z')
quiz #1:
See also
Sentence Matching
sounds /æ/ and /ʌ/ sounds
sounds /aɪ/ and /ʌ/ sounds
sounds /ɪ/ and /i:/ sounds
sounds Mất nguyên âm
sounds/ð/ and /d/ and /z/ sounds
sounds/ɝ/ and /ɔː/ sounds
sounds/ʃ/ and /s/ sounds
sounds/ə/ or /ɚ/ sounds
sounds/eɪ/ and /e/ sounds
sounds/l/ and /n/ sounds
sounds/oʊ/ and /ɔː/ sounds
sounds/r/ and /z/ sounds
sounds/s/ /z/ and /ʃ/ and /dʒ/ sounds
sounds/t/ /tr/ /dʒ/ with /tʃ/ sounds
sounds/ʊ/ and /uː/ sounds
Sounds: some IPA charts
soundsMất phụ âm (mất 'h')
Stress, speed, intonation and timing practice in sentences!
Two consonant (t and d becoming one) Mod 01
Voiced-Voiceless distinction
vowel and consonant linking MOD01
Whose sunglasses are these?








madad vietnamese intro

What's the biggest obstacle you face in your English studies?

Madad Memorize a Dialogue a day

Click to find out the problem many people face and what you can do about it.



Questions Questions Questions

Questions Questions Questions












Autonomous Self-Study Activities (or actionables!!!)


BEG_01 ..... BEG_02 ..... ELEM ..... PREINT



Build your own Dialogue Transcripts




























Learning English thru knowledge of your city

Comparatives Quiz



Shadowing Exercise (A1)

(This is a good exercise for anyone at any level who wish to develop fluency)

Favourite things

Do you like....?


Excuse me, I think you're in my seat.














Personal Details #1
shadowing exercise ... dialogue building exercise

shadowing and dialogue building exercise




Superlatives Quiz














Talking about Job #1



Which sentence is it?
Which sentence do you hear?















Multi-Sense Encoding

(Please complete Module #1 before doing this exercise)

Drag and Drop
(Activating the Visual/Auditory and Kinaesthetic Encoders for Memorization)






Cool Cool Sweat

Cool cool sweat Fluency and Memory Training

Click image above for Full Fluency and Memory Training Module

and quiz


english japaneseFlag


english british america Australia new zealand flag









Topics for Discussion

If you have a request for any specific practice please submit here














Topics for Discussion

What do you do when you get upset?

If you have a request for any specific practice please submit here












Anti-Toeic Toeic Training

Creative Visualization for TOEIC Exam: Listening practice


Interactive Exercises

For those poor luckless souls, like some of my students :(, who have to sit the TOEIC test, here is a link to a few exercises that might make you laugh. Learn English thru Humor.

Exam Practice: Toeic


If you find the exercise useful. please subscribe













Read My Lips

Can you ask 9 questions in 28 seconds?

Watch the movie clip then

Do the Quiz



Can you memorize the 9 Questions?
English/Vietnamese flag bilingual exercise



Click above for subtitles in Japanese
for vid with Vietnamese subtitles click below









Learn Grammar by not studying Grammar with

the ultimate Anti-grammar Grammar Activities

Uses of present tense

bilingual Japanese and English flag

How many uses of the present simple are there?
You might be surprized. Click on the flags above to find out.









Learn English thru Other Subjects


Learn English thru Vietnamese History

(Learn Vietnamese History thru English )









Learn English thru Japanese History

(or vice versa)




Learn English thru Science Facts and Figures










Memory Training


Module #01

Module #02

Module #03

Module #04

Module #05

Module #06

Module #07

Module #08

Module #09

Module #10

Module #11

Module #12

Module #13

Module #14

Module #15

Module #16

Module #17

Module #18

Module #19

Module #20

Module #21

Module #22

Module #23

Module #24









(the byod transcripts)



Shadowing Practice




Own Dialogue Building

copy/paste English text into your language using google translate
(For extra practice you might want to use the Google speech recognition function)

/ edit to a copy as clean as possible/ go to(Learn English for free!!! :>) and submit your text for correction and clean up/

byod501 byod502 byod503 byod504

byod505 byod506 ... byod490














A1 Nice to meet you. B1 Yes, nice to meet you, too.
A2 What's your name? B2 People call me Kitty Chan.
A3 How do you spell your last name? B3 Oh. that's easy. C H A N
A4 And what do you do? B4 I'm a cartoon character.
A5 Do you like your job? B5 Yes, I do. I love my job.
A6 How old are you? B6 I'm 43.
A7 Where do you live? B7 I live in London.
A8 Is it nice living there? B8 Yes it is, but crime is on the increase.
A9 Where were you born? B9 No, I was born in Japan.
A10 Would you like to come to a party? B10 Well, I'd like to but I'm a little busy at the moment.

go to exercise











Q1 What do you do?
Q2 Where do you work?
Q3 Do you like your job?
Q4 What do you like most about your job?
Q5 What don’t you like about your job?
Q6 How many hours a day do you work?
Q7 What time do you start and finish?
Q8 Do you do much overtime?
Q9 How many days a week do you work?
Q10 Are you happy with your salary?

A1 I work as a junior manager.
A2 I'm in the Human Resources department at Hayama Corporation.
A3 I think I've got the best job ever.
A4 Every day is exciting. I'm always doing different things.
A5 It can be quite monotonous at times.
A6 A normal day is eight hours.
A7 I start at eight and finish at five. I have forty minutes for lunch and a ten minute break in the morning and afternoon.
A8 I am contracted to do only 35 hours a week but we are always expected to do overtime.
A9 We work Monday through Friday, as well as one or two Saturdays a month.
A10 It's OK...I'm reasonably happy with it. The stock options, bonuses and benefits make the job worthwhile.

go to exercise












What’s your favourite game?
What’s your favourite Vietnamese dish?
What’s one of your favourite foreign foods?
What’s your favourite fruit?
What’s your favourite soft drink?
What’s your favourite alcoholic drink?
What’s your favourite song?
What are two of your favourite books?
What are your top three movies?
What’s your favourite colour?






How Not to Listen and Repeat


Trò chơi yêu thích của bạn là gì?
Món ăn Việt Nam yêu thích của bạn là gì?
Một trong những món ăn yêu thích của bạn là gì?
//một trong những món ăn nước ngoài yêu thích của bạn là gì?
Trái cây yêu thích của bạn là gì?
Đồ uống giải khát yêu thích của bạn là gì?
Đồ uống có cồn yêu thích của bạn là gì?
Bài hát yêu thích của bạn là gì?
Hai cuốn sách yêu thích của bạn là gì?
Ba bộ phim hàng đầu của bạn là gì?
Bạn thích màu nào?




A1 Rất vui được gặp bạn. B1 Vâng, rất vui được gặp bạn.
A2Tên bạn là gì? B2 Mọi người gọi tôi là Kitty Chan.
A3 Bạn đánh vần họ của mình như thế nào? B3 Oh. thật dễ dàng. C H A N
A4 Và bạn làm gì? B4 Tôi là một nhân vật hoạt hình.
A5 Bạn có thích công việc của bạn không? B5 Vâng tôi đồng ý. Tôi yêu công việc của tôi.
A6 Bạn bao nhiêu tuổi? B6 Tôi 43 tuổi.
A7 Bạn sống ở đâu?
B7 Tôi sống ở London.
A8 Ở đó có đẹp không?
B8 Đúng vậy, nhưng tội phạm đang gia tăng.
A9 Bạn sinh ra ở đâu?
B9 Không, tôi sinh ra ở Nhật Bản.
A10 Bạn có muốn đến dự tiệc không?
B10 Vâng, tôi muốn nhưng tôi có một chút bận rộn vào lúc này.

to walk ie move,

usually in a forward direction

at a regular and fairly slow pace

by lifting and setting down each foot in turn,

never having both feet off the ground at once.

There is, of course, a difference between knowing the temporal relation of a remembered event to the present, and knowing the time-order of two remembered events.
The Analysis of Mind by Russell, Bertrand View in context

Where are you from?

Free counters!